Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Witch hunters of Q Health . . .

This morning, I'm fuming. A nurse colleague of mine has been through hell for the past three months. She was suspended after a co-worker claimed they'd heard her describe how she'd advised a patient re ways to kill themselves. The co-worker making the claim wasn't even part of the private conversation (which was between my colleague and another nurse). But it seems my colleague had simply said, in a private conversation with another nurse, that there are more pleasant ways to die than drinking yourself to death, or words to that effect (in relation to an alcoholic patient she was very worried about). And anyone who has ever lived with someone dying a slow death through liver disease would probably agree. Talk about Chinese Whispers . . . Well, it seems the powers-that-be were worried enough to ask the patient directly about what my colleague had (or hadn't), said, around the beginning of August this year. And guess what? Seems the patient exonerated my colleague completely of any wrong doing at that time. But no, that wasn't good enough for the witch hunters of Queensland Health. They kept her on suspension for a further eight weeks, and not only that, they actively sought further staff witness statements against her, failed to advise her that they'd spoken to the patient (who had exonerated her), and reported her to the Queensland Nursing Council EVEN THOUGH THEY KNEW SHE WAS INNOCENT. However, my colleague has told me that a certain nurse manager did privately advise her (on one occassion), that she'd make any complaints against her stick, and guess what? This certain nurse manager was in receipt of the information officially exonerating my colleague the entire (further), 8 weeks my colleague went through hell. The key information exonerating my colleague only came to light when the certain nurse manager was on holiday. Now (as I type), I hear my colleague has been fully and officially cleared, and will be returning to work.

Qld Health hides its head in the sand . . .

Well, what developments are there since my last post? It's nearly six weeks since a certain nurse was suspended (though they're now temporarily allocated to a new work place, while still under investigation - but only in the last few days). And guess what? They still haven't had the original witness statement/s - and not a single member of management spoke to them first (to get their side of the story), BEFORE they were suspended and told (in writing), they're NOT entitled to "Natural Justice." Seems if you work for Q Health, anyone can (at any time), make a verbal complaint against you, and not be required to back up the allegation in writing. You know what I mean, something they're prepared to support with a date and a signature (and until there's evidence to the contrary, what else can anyone deduce after nearly six weeks of silence on this core issue from Q Health?). So come on Q Health, cough up. Do these written allegations even exist? And the allegation in question isn't trivial, it could even lead to criminal charges if proved. It's bizarre. So honestly speaking, I think Q Health should have handed this investigation to the Police from the word "Go." At least they would have had the professionalism (and expertise), to require written/signed witness statements from all parties within the first few hours. So how an earth can Q Health suspend an employee for nearly six weeks, on the basis of a criminal allegation (if proved), and NOT supply the hapless employee with original, signed and dated witness statement/s? Talk about the Keystone Cops, maybe Q Health dusted off some old film scripts to train their HR managers when the budget blew out . . . and if you happen to be the HR manager/s in question reading this, if the cap fits wear it - but I'm mentioning no names, and no places . . .

Friday, September 25, 2009

My first post to this blog . . .

Here's a "Letter to the Editor" I've just sent to 100's and 100's of local papers all over Queensland (135 words) . . .
"Work for Queensland Health? Been bullied? Afraid to speak out? Don't be, it's time to draw a line in the sand. Kramer and Sprenger were two 15th century Dominican monks who wrote an infamous book, the "Malleus Maleficarum," which described how to catch and punish witches. Just an historical oddity? Don't bet on it, I reckon Queensland Health has dusted it off, and is using it as a covert training manual for their managers. I speak as Registered Nurse, recently threatened with the "Code of Conduct" for voicing safety concerns. All employees of Queensland Health, from the wards person to the most senior doctor, must start to speak up and refuse to be isolated. The problem is systemic, not personal. It's a cancer that's costing lives, health and careers. Join me (and others), at"
And at the time of writing, I personally know of two work colleagues who are suffering as a result of inadequate and distorted processes within Queensland Health. One was immediately suspended after management received a complaint about them. Problem was, not a single manager spoke to them first to get their side of the story - and as far as I know, over 5 weeks since the incident, they have still not received a single original witness statements. Another colleague was suspended (and remains so), on the basis of allegations that would never stand scrutiny in an open court of law.
Queensland Health gets round this by claiming "Suspension" is not a punishment, but an administrative process, and by allowing complaints against staff to be judged on the "Balance of Probabilities," rather than by any yardstick that would have a chance of survival in criminal proceedings. This is grossly unfair when a persons entire livelihood (and psychological/physical health), is at stake - and when the most low-level staff are being routinely landed with legal bills (from Queensland Health), adding up to tens of thousands of dollars. Even some criminal courts don't hand down such draconian penalties, yet at least in criminal proceedings, the accused is given the protection of an openly fair hearing. But if you work for Queensland Health, you can forget about meticulous standards of evidence, and meticulous proceedings. Quite honestly, it's a dog's breakfast.
What's the message in this? Speak up about anything, and we can ruin you? Stalin would have been proud. Queensland Health staff must have the same protection (against complaints), as those facing criminal charges - anything less compromises patient safety. Why? Because at present, staff can be unfairly targeted every time they raise legitmate concerns, and/or bullied on a whim. It's not good enough.