In the third case, a Royal Brisbane Hospital cleaner, who had studied medicine overseas and had worked as a theatre wardsman interstate, claimed race and age discrimination after his applications for permanent theatre positions were rejected. Queensland Health has paid Corrs Chambers Westgarth $18,000 so far, with the matter still to be heard in the Anti-Discrimination Tribunal.
. . . so I look forward to your timely and compassionate written response - as even though Kay Dibben's caustic comments didn't (quite obviously), shame you into doing the right thing, I now think it's time you did.
You may remember the campaign by a friend of mine, and myself, for safer school transport (we were mentioned in the Australian Federal Parliament) - because your friend Steve Bredhauer certainly would. We slept and camped on his office steps in the run up to the 2001 State election (with an article about us, and our photos, in the last the Sunday Mail before polling). We also meticulously aimed our non-existent resources (e.g. email and phone calls), towards the local media in your more sensitive seats. Why? Because me (being politically naive at the time), asked an ALP old-timer (and very good friend of mine), about the most powerful and persuasive route to take. He stroked his chin for a couple of seconds, looked thoughtful, then said "Go for their marginals . . . "
So how many public servants do you have in your marginals Anna? Just wondering . . .
CC - Des Houghton (Courier Mail)
CC - Every member of the Qld State Parliament.
CC - Numerous other personal contacts & Qld email lists (please pass on)
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