Friday, September 25, 2009

My first post to this blog . . .

Here's a "Letter to the Editor" I've just sent to 100's and 100's of local papers all over Queensland (135 words) . . .
"Work for Queensland Health? Been bullied? Afraid to speak out? Don't be, it's time to draw a line in the sand. Kramer and Sprenger were two 15th century Dominican monks who wrote an infamous book, the "Malleus Maleficarum," which described how to catch and punish witches. Just an historical oddity? Don't bet on it, I reckon Queensland Health has dusted it off, and is using it as a covert training manual for their managers. I speak as Registered Nurse, recently threatened with the "Code of Conduct" for voicing safety concerns. All employees of Queensland Health, from the wards person to the most senior doctor, must start to speak up and refuse to be isolated. The problem is systemic, not personal. It's a cancer that's costing lives, health and careers. Join me (and others), at"
And at the time of writing, I personally know of two work colleagues who are suffering as a result of inadequate and distorted processes within Queensland Health. One was immediately suspended after management received a complaint about them. Problem was, not a single manager spoke to them first to get their side of the story - and as far as I know, over 5 weeks since the incident, they have still not received a single original witness statements. Another colleague was suspended (and remains so), on the basis of allegations that would never stand scrutiny in an open court of law.
Queensland Health gets round this by claiming "Suspension" is not a punishment, but an administrative process, and by allowing complaints against staff to be judged on the "Balance of Probabilities," rather than by any yardstick that would have a chance of survival in criminal proceedings. This is grossly unfair when a persons entire livelihood (and psychological/physical health), is at stake - and when the most low-level staff are being routinely landed with legal bills (from Queensland Health), adding up to tens of thousands of dollars. Even some criminal courts don't hand down such draconian penalties, yet at least in criminal proceedings, the accused is given the protection of an openly fair hearing. But if you work for Queensland Health, you can forget about meticulous standards of evidence, and meticulous proceedings. Quite honestly, it's a dog's breakfast.
What's the message in this? Speak up about anything, and we can ruin you? Stalin would have been proud. Queensland Health staff must have the same protection (against complaints), as those facing criminal charges - anything less compromises patient safety. Why? Because at present, staff can be unfairly targeted every time they raise legitmate concerns, and/or bullied on a whim. It's not good enough.

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