Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Qld Health hides its head in the sand . . .

Well, what developments are there since my last post? It's nearly six weeks since a certain nurse was suspended (though they're now temporarily allocated to a new work place, while still under investigation - but only in the last few days). And guess what? They still haven't had the original witness statement/s - and not a single member of management spoke to them first (to get their side of the story), BEFORE they were suspended and told (in writing), they're NOT entitled to "Natural Justice." Seems if you work for Q Health, anyone can (at any time), make a verbal complaint against you, and not be required to back up the allegation in writing. You know what I mean, something they're prepared to support with a date and a signature (and until there's evidence to the contrary, what else can anyone deduce after nearly six weeks of silence on this core issue from Q Health?). So come on Q Health, cough up. Do these written allegations even exist? And the allegation in question isn't trivial, it could even lead to criminal charges if proved. It's bizarre. So honestly speaking, I think Q Health should have handed this investigation to the Police from the word "Go." At least they would have had the professionalism (and expertise), to require written/signed witness statements from all parties within the first few hours. So how an earth can Q Health suspend an employee for nearly six weeks, on the basis of a criminal allegation (if proved), and NOT supply the hapless employee with original, signed and dated witness statement/s? Talk about the Keystone Cops, maybe Q Health dusted off some old film scripts to train their HR managers when the budget blew out . . . and if you happen to be the HR manager/s in question reading this, if the cap fits wear it - but I'm mentioning no names, and no places . . .

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