I note you have completely avoided answering any of the serious questions I raised with you in my letter of 15th October 2009, and I've therefore attached it again for your convenience.Firstly, if you need any further information from me (re the questions in my email 15th October 2009), please put each of your questions in dot point form, and I guarantee they will be answered within 24 hours.Secondly, in view of my previous experiences with Queensland Health (and the current experience of some Queensland Health Employees), I would not go into any "Meeting" with management unless accompanied by a phalanx of lawyers, and I'm not willing to make that kind of outlay right now (though I guess your own pockets are deep re legal avenues, attached as they are to the public purse).You have 10 questions from me in all. None of them are complex, and all of them (except the first, which you have much further detail on anyway), involves an over-arching policy issue.Please respond to/answer those questions as I have requested (in the letter attached to my email of 15th October 2009, and attached again here). They are still outstanding, and will formally remain so until Queensland Health answers them in writing.And lastly? Please don't continue to suggest I need "Counselling." The only remedy I need is direct answers, to direct questions.Regards, Kim
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